Description of the party Medieval La Alvarada | TCLM


Medieval La Alvarada

Cañete (Cuenca)GPS: 40.042701721191406, -1.6481399536132812
In honor of constable Don Álvaro de Luna
La Alvarada Medieval
Description of the party

Don Álvaro de Luna is not only a fundamental personage for Spanish history but also the most distinguished son of Cañete village. In his honor La Alvarada is held, a festivity which not only focus on the 14thcentury, the time when Don Álvaro lived, but that also makes a whole cultural, historical and festive re-enactment in the municipality. A thorough event programme is held during nine days, with proposals as significant as the Medieval Tapa Fair, exhibitions about local and regional history, UNED Days, recreated medieval campsites and markets, the medieval tournament, the battles at the foot of the wall … Every year, the spirit of Don Álvaro, warrior, politician and lettered man, true exponent of his century, reigns again in his natal village.

Festivity of Regional Tourist Interest


Last week in July and first days in August, movable date.


You can check the complete programme for La Alvarada at and the tickets for the shows can be obtained at the Cañete Tourist Office and at the town hall.

Campamento La Alvarada Medieval CañetePasacalles La Alvarada Medieval CañeteRecreación La Alvarada Medieval CañeteTeatro La Alvarada Medieval CañeteTorneo La Alvarada Medieval CañeteTrajes de Época La Alvarada Medieval Cañetemas
  • Campamento La Alvarada Medieval Cañete
  • Pasacalles La Alvarada Medieval Cañete
  • Recreación La Alvarada Medieval Cañete
  • Teatro La Alvarada Medieval Cañete
  • Torneo La Alvarada Medieval Cañete
  • Trajes de Época La Alvarada Medieval Cañete
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