Description of Artisan beers from Toledo | Tclm

Artisan beers from Toledo

Beer foam with a brand new flavor
Cervezas artesanas de Toledo

In Toledo province three pioneering enterprises have emerged aimed at making exquisite artisan beers. Retrieving the traditional manufacturing methods and taking advantage of the unique features of the waters from the rivers that irrigate the province. 

Nowadays in the province three factorieswith a name of their own have been erected: Domus, Ebora, y Sagra. 

Domus takes part in the city of the three cultures, Toledo, not only because of its location. With a completely original and tremendously exquisite approach it makes beers which are unique in the world, such as the Domus Greco, a tribute to the painter, with cinnamon, almond, lemon and saffron from Toledo. Or the Pacific Ale, made out of hops from Oceania. It also organizes activities for visitors such as beer making courses, guided tours, tasting room for tastings and samples. 

Sagra has its factory in Numancia de La Sagra. Its vocation is to accompany the Castilian gastronomy with beers which base is 100% barley malt. In opens its facilities for tourist visits and tasting courses intended to make known both its manufacturing processes and the bouquet that differentiates this drink when it is made in an artisan way.

Significant, among its varieties, is the Sagra Bohío made by the Michelin-Star chef Pepe Rodriguez from “El Bohío Restaurant”. This variety is able to accompany any dish, and especially the desserts. 

Ébora is characterized by an individualized manufacturing process that takes one month and a half for each beer. The recipes come from Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium. It is not pasteurized or filtered, thus getting the authentic natural flavor of the original beer.

Its factory is in Pepino, very close to Talavera de la Reina, and it organizes guided tours and tastings.

Cervezas DomusCervezas DomusCervezas DomusCervezas DomusCervezas EboraCervezas EboraCervezas Sagramas
  • Cervezas Domus
  • Cervezas Domus
  • Cervezas Domus
  • Cervezas Domus
  • Cervezas Ebora
  • Cervezas Ebora
  • Cervezas Sagra
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