Gastronomic visit Restaurante Locum | TCLM


Restaurante Locum

Toledo (Toledo)GPS: 39.85710144042969, -4.022339820861816
Gastronomic visit

Walking through the historic old town of Toledo, in the surrounding areas of the Cathedral, you will find Restaurante Locum, in an old 17th century house. The dining room presents itself at three levels, with a Toledan patio in the center. All of which has been converted into a cosmopolitan space where tradition and the avant-garde unite in as much as the decor as the cuisine.


It turns out to be quite difficult to select from the ambitious menu that is directed to the most experienced palates, but among the options are the delicious salmonete con estofado de alcachofas y mejillones (red mullet with a stew of artichokes and mussels), the delicate fideuá con perdiz estofada hongos y trufa (short noodles with stewed partridge, mushrooms and truffle), or the tasty lomo de venado (venison loin), lightly marinated with Almargo eggplant. Who can resist…

Locum, 6Toledo (Toledo)925 223
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