Gastronomic visit Restaurante Venta la Quintería | TCLM


Restaurante Venta la Quintería

Valdepeñas (Ciudad Real)GPS: 38.79410171508789, -3.3918099403381348
Tradition of Valdepeñas
Restaurante Venta la Quintería
Gastronomic visit

The traveler will feel as if s/he is within the pages of El Quijote, in the region of Valdepeñas. Restaurant Venta la Quintería is in a Manchegan country villa with a wine cellar with earthenware jars and a Manchegan patio surrounded by a colonnade of arches and a clay tiled floor. The former wood-burning kitchen and wine cellar are now charming rooms in which you can travel in time vía their traditional cuisine.


Accompanied by the best wines from Valdepeñas, you can enjoy dishes made with ingredients of the finest quality, offering a menu full of intriguing tastes and smells. They have also rediscovered ancient dishes such as escabeches (marinades) mojes, y algunos guisos tradicionales (both types of traditional stews).


Autovía(Highway) Madrid-Cádiz, Km. 197
(N-IV, direction towards Madrid)

Valdepeñas (Ciudad Real)

926 338 293 

Autovía Madrid-Cádiz, Km. 197 - (N-IV, sentido Madrid)Valdepeñas (Ciudad Real)926 338
Restaurante Venta la QuinteriaRestaurante Venta la Quinteriamas
  • Restaurante Venta la Quinteria
  • Restaurante Venta la Quinteria
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