Visit Peñarroya Volcano and Lagoon | TCLM


Peñarroya Volcano and Lagoon

Alcolea de Calatrava (Ciudad Real)GPS: 38.94449996948242, -4.1058502197265625
In Las Medias Lunas mountain range
Volcán y laguna de Peñarroya

This natural monument is situated between the municipalities Alcolea de Calatrava and Corral de Calatrava and is included in the volcanic group of Campo de Calatrava. The volcano stands out for its magnificent cone of 60 metres high, one of the best examples of Strombolian-type building. The lagoon was formed when the lava of the volcano captured Lobo stream.

The slopes support communities of holm oaks, kermes oaks, junipers, brooms, and Mediterranean scrub; along with, rushes in the lagoon surroundings. High geomorphological and landscape value in addition to its interest from a scientific, interpretation and environmental education point of view.


23 kilometers away from Ciudad Real to Alcolea de Calatrava by N-430 and then by CR-P-4124. Open access.


It is advisable to avoid summer months or times of excessive heat.

Volcán y laguna de PeñarroyaVolcán y laguna de PeñarroyaVolcán y laguna de PeñarroyaVolcán y laguna de PeñarroyaVolcán y laguna de PeñarroyaVolcán y laguna de PeñarroyaVolcán y laguna de Peñarroyamas
  • Volcán y laguna de Peñarroya
  • Volcán y laguna de Peñarroya
  • Volcán y laguna de Peñarroya
  • Volcán y laguna de Peñarroya
  • Volcán y laguna de Peñarroya
  • Volcán y laguna de Peñarroya
  • Volcán y laguna de Peñarroya
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