Visit Castle of Orgaz | TCLM


Castle of Orgaz

Orgaz (Toledo)GPS: 39.64830017089844, -3.875230073928833
Shelter for noblemen and 'comuneros
Castillo de Orgaz

This castle saw, and lived through, the War of the Communities of Castile. The town’s inhabitants, united in the cause, used it as shelter until Charles V burnt it down. If only for its tower keep, twenty meters high, it is worth a visit.


Instead of towers, the wall’s corners are protected by beautiful big ashlar watchtowers, with arrow slits, and very narrow battlements. The entry door to the tower keep has two thin columns, with semi-circular arches crowning them, and the emblem of the Guzmán lineage above it.

Originally it was possibly an Arab fortress from the 10thcentury that defended the road to Seville, over which Álvaro Pérez de Guzmán erected the current one.


The castle can be visited on Saturday and Sunday morning. For more information, please contact the Tourist Office, phone no. (+34) 925 317 685.


In the 1970s the castle passed into the private hands of Mr. Llopis who restored its interior, outfitting it as a house, but allowing it to be visited. Left in bequest to his daughter Gemma, she in turn bequeathed it to the village of Orgaz in her will.

Castillo de OrgazCastillo de OrgazCastillo de OrgazCastillo de Orgazmas
  • Castillo de Orgaz
  • Castillo de Orgaz
  • Castillo de Orgaz
  • Castillo de Orgaz
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