Visit Urban Complex of Mazuecos | TCLM


Urban Complex of Mazuecos

Mazuecos (Guadalajara)GPS: 40.26219940185547, -3.012190103530884
Mazuecos, a beautiful Alcarreña image
Conjunto Urbano de Mazuecos

At the foothills of the Cerro Redondo, just 59 km from Guadalajara, we find in la Alcarria an earthly paradise with archaeological sites from all the Prehistoric epochs, highlights of which are the sites of Dos Cerrillos, La Carreta and el Camino de Driebes. We can travel through time visiting them or wander the streets of the marvelous urban complex, which will give the visitor a sense of peace and harmony.


Houses with walls of masonry covered in lime give this village a kind of Southern character. Mazuecos belonged to the Order of Calatrava until 1541, when the Marquesses of Mondéjar bought it. From the time that it belonged to the Order, the basins, fountains and ruins of the convent of Santo Benito are preserved, and they will convey their charm and history to the visitor. Also, we can’t miss seeing the Baroque church of Santo Domingo, built in the 17th century. Here, the Crucified Christ of its main altar and the Baroque altarpieces are highlights.


Access is open to the whole urban complex.


If you can, try to have your visit coincide with the festival of the Virgin of Peace, in which they parade “La Soldadesca” -the young men of the town dress as soldiers from other time periods and, waving their flags, they follow the procession of the Virgin. The origin of this tradition comes from the victory of the battle of Lepanto. 

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