Visit The convent of San Pablo | TCLM


The convent of San Pablo

Cuenca (Cuenca)GPS: 40.079200744628906, -2.126310110092163

The astonishing San Pablo convent looks at the whole of Cuenca from the other side of the river Huécar and it reaches the hanging houses by crossing the bridge of the same name.

Built in 1523 for the Dominican order, it was restored as a Parador hotel and it now hosts tourists that can wake up there and have the first thing they see be the incredible view of Cuenca where both the strength of man and nature complement one another to make a unique picture-postcard.

Everyone can visit it on the outside.

Only guests and diners at the cafeteria and restaurant can visit the inside.

Visita exterior libre
Visita interior sólo para huéspedes o usuarios de cafetería y restaurante.
Convento de San PabloConvento de San PabloConvento de San PabloConvento de San PabloConvento de San Pablomas
  • Convento de San Pablo
  • Convento de San Pablo
  • Convento de San Pablo
  • Convento de San Pablo
  • Convento de San Pablo
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