Visit Hermitage of Cobeta | TCLM


Hermitage of Cobeta

Cobeta (Guadalajara)GPS: 40.865699768066406, -2.1384799480438232
The town worships the Virgin of Montesinos, with a healing legend
Ermita de Cobeta

Town included in the Natural Park of Alto Tajo, its name comes from “cubo” (cube) and refers to the tower that presides over the town. It is a turret with a circular plan and which seems to be the only remains that are preserved from the tower keep of its ancient castle. It is in good condition due to its latest restoration in 1997. If we go to the church we can see its Baroque altarpiece, work of Juan de Sancho in the 18th century.


Without a doubt the most striking for the traveler is the hermitage of the Virgin of Montesinos, in the natural setting of el Barranco del Moro Montesinos. Its patron is very venerated among the local people of the surrounding areas for its healing legend. They say that she carried out the miracle of restoring the hand to a one-armed shepherd girl to whom she appeared and therefore the Moor Montesinos built a hermitage in her honor. Regarding the building, we can se its voussoired door, although the whole ensemble that it forms with the landscape is deserving of a snapshot.


Inquire at the City Hall.


The procession of the Seven Crosses and the Seven Flags. The Sunday of Pentecost there is a pilgrimage in which seven towns of the surrounding area participate in honor of the Virgin and which culminates with traditional rural food. 

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  • Ermita de Cobeta
  • Ermita de Cobeta
  • Ermita de Cobeta
  • Ermita de Cobeta
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