Visit Church of Saint Sebastian in Villapalacios | TCLM


Church of Saint Sebastian in Villapalacios

Villapalacios (Albacete)GPS: 38.57469940185547, -2.634740114212036
Villapalacios, a balcony open to the sierra
Iglesia de San Sebastián en Villapalacios

This town is located in the southeast of the province of Albacete, just 100 km from the city thanks to the N-322 highway. Its landscape corresponds to the sierras of Alcaraz and Segura and its richness comes from its rugged terrain and the contrasts created by the hydrography, since the area is crossed by the Guadalmena and Mesta Rivers, in addition to some streams. This gives us a typical riverside vegetation. In its waters you can fish for trout, barbs and crabs, or at least try to! And with regard to cultural visits, take time to see the church of Saint Sebastian, one of the most beautiful of the sierra.


The inhabitants of Villapalacios are proud of their beautiful church of Saint Sebastian, declared an Asset of Cultural Interest for being an example of a church with diaphragm arches along the nave of the temple, divided into seven sections. At the foot you can admire a beautiful wooden choir with a sobrecoro or “cantoría” decorated with delicate mudejar elements. On the Gothic style south door, we see the crest of the Manrique family, lords of the villa at the time in which the temple was built, between the end of the 15th and beginning of the 16th centuries. This family also donated a chalice that is guarded in the sacristy.


Entry is open to the public, respecting the hours of worship.


You are in luck because from every corner of Villapalacios you can enjoy excellent views. We suggest the views from the mirador (lookout point) of La glorieta, from where you can see the grandeur of the valleys and hills that open the way towards the Sierra of Alcaraz.


Iglesia de San Sebastián en VillapalaciosIglesia de San Sebastián en Villapalaciosmas
  • Iglesia de San Sebastián en Villapalacios
  • Iglesia de San Sebastián en Villapalacios
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