Visit Mira | TCLM



Mira (Cuenca)GPS: 39.71870040893555, -1.4389599561691284
Mira” (look at) its white houses with wooden balconies and beams

Closer to Valencia than its capital, from which 100 km separates it, we can find this beautiful town belonging to the lower mountain range of Cuenca. Highly appreciated for its urban ensemble in which we can see various examples of traditional mountain architecture, Mira is also known for its church of the Assumption, which took almost three centuries to build and therefore mixes so many different artistic styles. Also, Antón Martín, first follower of San Juan de Dios, was born in this town in the year 1500, and we’ll be able to see his house.


The historic center of Mira extends along the porticoed Plaza, in which we find the City Hall. Parting off from the plaza are winding streets and small plazas, adapted to the hillside and offering the visitor corners of great local beauty. The most beautiful in this sense are the street of las Truchas,Calicanto, Lorza, Capellán, and la Cruz. Along them we’ll find homes with doors, balconies, and windows made of wood, as well as big eaves and facades that show their wooden beams. An example of this is the mentioned House of Antón Martín on calle de la Cruz. At the top of the town the old washing area and old fountain are preserved. The church of the town used the remains of the old castle and another church dedicated to Saint Quiteria in its construction. Its drawn-out construction results in that we can see the Gothic style in the apse and a Baroque decoration in the interior, where a painting within a niche on the Southern lateral wall stands out.


Open access to the historic center. At the church, consult the mass schedule.


The spectacular viaduct of Mira or of Villa Paz, and impressive concrete construction 250 m long, formed by five semicircular arches that allows for crossing the Mira River ravine and the passage of the train that unites Madrid, Cuenca, and Valencia. 

  • Mira
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