Visit Montealegre del Castillo | TCLM


Montealegre del Castillo

Montealegre del Castillo (Albacete)GPS: 38.7869987487793, -1.3252999782562256
Explore this sweet town of Baroque shrines
Montealegre del Castillo

In the middle of the Almansa corridor, 59 km from Albacete, we find this town, whose oldest remains date to the Bronze Age. Its fame comes from two ancient sites of the Iberian period: el Llano de la Consolación and el Cerro de los Santos. But the complete settlement of the village would not happen until medieval times, when it established itself around an Islamic fortress. Those who come to see this town should include in their route the two most emblematic religious buildings of its heritage - in the square, the church of Saint James the Apostle, and in the outskirts, the hermitage of the Virgin of Consolation. The Baroque beauty that both display will not leave those who visit them unimpressed.


In the church the highlights are the large dimensions of its nave and chapels, and its ashlar facade, upper windows and recesses. With regard to the hermitage, in addition to serving as refuge to the patron statue, it has a lovely circular alcove, although it seems octagonal from the outside. Its dome is covered with blue glazed tile, in the Levantine style; the floor follows the same tendency since it is made of Valencian tile. The rest of the decoration of the alcove is purely Rococo. The whole ensemble is dated around the year 1780.


Access is open, respecting hours of worship, and if you find it closed ask at the City Hall.


Since so much visiting might make you hungry, take advantage and try the exquisite “libricos” made of honey and wafers. This way you can gather your energy to visit its interesting archaeological sites. 

Montealegre del CastilloMontealegre del CastilloMontealegre del Castillomas
  • Montealegre del Castillo
  • Montealegre del Castillo
  • Montealegre del Castillo
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