Visit Moratilla de los Meleros | TCLM


Moratilla de los Meleros

Moratilla de los Meleros (Guadalajara)GPS: 40.502601623535156, -2.9426000118255615
This village is famous for its sweet honey and its beautiful Romanesque church
Moratilla de los Meleros

Between hills and crossed by the Santa Ana stream, we can locate this small Alcarreña town with less than one hundred inhabitants. The proximity to the capital, only 31 km, makes Moratilla de los Meleros an ideal destination for an excursion where we can fill our lungs with its lavender, rosemary, and thyme aromas. These aromas are also what give great quality to its famed honey. In addition, we can lose ourselves in the charm of its urban areas and enjoy the beauty of the parish church dedicated to the Assumption.


The church stands out in within the urban complex. In spite of belonging to the 16th century, it preserves its original Romanesque door from the 13th century, formed by four archivolts and frame and held up by four pairs of columns. Inside, the vaults over the presbytery and the Isabelline Gothic transept stand out. Throughout the rest of the urban area we will see more examples of the beauty of the traditional Alcarreña architecture, buildings with lovely porticoes like those that we find in the plaza del Coso, and the public fountain.


Open access respecting the hours of worship. If you find it closed, ask at the Tourism Office.


Do not leave without visiting its Plateresque pillory at the entrance to the town. This 16th century construction has been declared an Asset of Cultural Interest in the category of Monument. Among its decorations we can make out the busts, human and animal heads, demons, and angles. 

Moratilla de los MelerosMoratilla de los MelerosMoratilla de los MelerosMoratilla de los MelerosMoratilla de los MelerosMoratilla de los MelerosMoratilla de los Melerosmas
  • Moratilla de los Meleros
  • Moratilla de los Meleros
  • Moratilla de los Meleros
  • Moratilla de los Meleros
  • Moratilla de los Meleros
  • Moratilla de los Meleros
  • Moratilla de los Meleros
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