Visit Gallo Palace-House in Villarejo de Fuentes | TCLM


Gallo Palace-House in Villarejo de Fuentes

Villarejo de Fuentes (Cuenca)GPS: 39.78810119628906, -2.6937100887298584
A magnificent treasure in la Mancha
Palacio-casa del Gallo en Villarejo de Fuentes

In the region of la Mancha, 75 km from the capital, we find the town of Villarejo de las Fuentes. The origin of its place-name refers to an ancient settlement created in a place with abundant natural springs. In Roman times it was a passing point along the road that united Segóbriga and Cartagena. You can still walk along it and see the foundations of the bridge that crossed the Záncara River, next to the castle and the hermitage ofFuentes. Nowadays its main attraction is the House of los Gallos, located on the calle Mayor.


Its main civil building is the House Palace of los Gallos, from the 15th century. It was built by Don Gil de Albornoz and it has three levels, a lovely semicircular arched facade with a balcony above it, and some forged iron bars on its windows. Surely upon seeing it you will want to be able to spend some time relaxing in this idyllic place.


Inquire at the City Hall if it is possible to visit it.


Do not miss visiting the castle ofFuentes, on the right bank of the Záncara, dividing the whole town from above. And next to it, the hermitage of Our Lady of Fuentes, built over a church from the 13th century and very reformed during the 18th and 20th centuries. It has some lovely carvings of the Baby Jesus and Saint Francisco of Assisi, in addition to an elegant font of holy water. 

Palacio-casa del Gallo en Villarejo de Fuentesmas
  • Palacio-casa del Gallo en Villarejo de Fuentes
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