Visit Tolmo de Minateda Archaeological Park | TCLM


Tolmo de Minateda Archaeological Park

Hellín (Albacete)GPS: 38.47639846801758, -1.6087700128555298
A city on the pathway; a trace of history
Parque Arqueológico Tolmo de Minateda

El Tolmo de Minateda, a trimillenial city, constitutes the most important archaeological ensemble in the province of Albacete; it is one of the five archaeological parks in Castile-La Mancha. On a spectacular crag, the location and height of which make it a strategical point in order to control the roads between Albacete, Murcia and Alicante, this crag was chosen by different humans for their settlements from the Bronze Age until the 10th century AC.

Of all of the discoveries made during the excavations, there is an interesting collection in the Regional Museum of Hellín which exemplifies and complements our tour. In the collection there are curious objects and daily utensils, containers, jewels, clothing, etc.

On the site, there is an area which coincides with the urban fabric, called “El Reguerón”, where walls, gates and defence systems have been built.

Up until now, the oldest recorded occupation belongs to the Bronze Age and it was a common burial ground for the dead, in other words, a cemetery of those times. During the Iberian civilisation, burial mounds and funerary monuments were still constructed, as was a wall made out of stonework.

In Roman times (la Ilunum de Ptolomeo) the wall was reinforced.

Later, in the post-Roman era, defence systems were still being built and a gateway, bastion and a tower were all made, organised in an “L” shape, as were a spectacular complex of public spaces and rooms of great scientific interest.


Temporarily closed to the public, it will open up soon. For more information, contact the Hellín Tourist Information Office:

Telephone number:  967541520


Parque Arqueológico Tolmo de MinatedaParque Arqueológico Tolmo de MinatedaParque Arqueológico Tolmo de MinatedaParque Arqueológico Tolmo de MinatedaParque Arqueológico Tolmo de MinatedaParque Arqueológico Tolmo de MinatedaParque Arqueológico Tolmo de MinatedaParque Arqueológico Tolmo de MinatedaParque Arqueológico Tolmo de MinatedaParque Arqueológico Tolmo de Minatedamas
  • Parque Arqueológico Tolmo de Minateda
  • Parque Arqueológico Tolmo de Minateda
  • Parque Arqueológico Tolmo de Minateda
  • Parque Arqueológico Tolmo de Minateda
  • Parque Arqueológico Tolmo de Minateda
  • Parque Arqueológico Tolmo de Minateda
  • Parque Arqueológico Tolmo de Minateda
  • Parque Arqueológico Tolmo de Minateda
  • Parque Arqueológico Tolmo de Minateda
  • Parque Arqueológico Tolmo de Minateda
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