Visit Roman remains under Alfonso X street | TCLM


Roman remains under Alfonso X street

Toledo (Toledo)GPS: 39.86280059814453, -4.02731990814209
The great Roman baths of Toledo
Restos romanos bajo la calle Alfonso X

These are the remains of the water supply network to a large thermal complex, from the end of the 1st century AD. Three parallel vaulted galleries, of which the central one remains under the hypocaust -hot room- of the baths of the Amador de los Ríos Square. The remains are known by the inhabitants of the city as "los sótanos de la Hacienda" (the Treasury basements).

Restos romanos bajo calle Alfonso XRestos romanos bajo calle Alfonso Xmas
  • Restos romanos bajo calle Alfonso X
  • Restos romanos bajo calle Alfonso X
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