Establishment Fuencaliente Thermal Spa | TCLM


Fuencaliente Thermal Spa

Fuencaliente (Ciudad Real)GPS: 38.40570068359375, -4.305210113525391
Hot springs from the 12th Century
Balneario de Fuencaliente

The town where this spa is located, dating to the Middle Ages, has in its name (Fuencaliente refers to hot fountain, or hot springs) the secret properties that in ancient times the waters were known for, which flow at 37-38ºC throughout the year. Since the 19th century they have been declared for public use, and they are just as appealing as the natural setting of the Sierra Madrona that surrounds them.


The hot springs are mineral-medicinal, with bicarbonates, magnesium, silicate, ferromanganese, a slight amount of chloride and phosphate. Efficient for the prevention of and to combat ailments such as: rheumatism, arthrosis, lower back pain, skin conditions, respiratory difficulties, stress and to relax the muscles.

Among their treatments you can enjoy a communal thermal pool, vichy and circular shower, individual bathtub, hand bath, parafango, jets, jacuzzi, inhalations, and massage services. They have medical services to follow and control all the thermal treatments.


The best experiences this spa provides are unique when combined with walks through the beautiful landscapes of the Alcudia Valley and Sierra Madrona. 

Balneario de FuencalienteBalneario de FuencalienteBalneario FuencalienteBalneario FuencalienteBalneario FuencalienteBalneario Fuencalientemas
  • Balneario de Fuencaliente
  • Balneario de Fuencaliente
  • Balneario Fuencaliente
  • Balneario Fuencaliente
  • Balneario Fuencaliente
  • Balneario Fuencaliente
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