Visit Sonsaz National Park | TCLM


Sonsaz National Park

Campillo de Ranas (Guadalajara)GPS: 41.08570098876953, -3.314340114593506
Roe deer at the black architecture
Sonsaz National Park

A reserve which climate, flora and fauna shape the Ayllón mountain range, with the prominent Pico del Lobo-Cebollera glacier and the nearby Tejera Negra beech forest. It is characterized by hunting patches not smaller than 250 hectares, with alternate beatings each season. The natural water sources at the reserve have been adapted as roe deer trough, as well as providing them with salt paste and nutritional supplement at certain periods of the year when there is less food. Rabbit cairns and warrens are likewise maintained.


It is one of the enclaves where the roe deer is more abundant, which population keeps growing in a sustained way thanks to the controlled management of its hunting. The red-legged partridge is the most characteristic species for small game hunting.  


Beating awarding is done by public tender, keeping 80% of the places for hunters from the municipalities at the reserve and the remaining 20% for outsiders. 

Provincial Environmental Office in Guadalajara

Phone no.: (+34) 949 88 53 00

Castile-La Mancha Regional Department of Environment

Phone no.: (+34) 925 28 67 08

Reserva Nacional de SonsazReserva Nacional de SonsazReserva Nacional de Sonsazmas
  • Reserva Nacional de Sonsaz
  • Reserva Nacional de Sonsaz
  • Reserva Nacional de Sonsaz
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