Description of the party Villanueva de la Fuente Corpus Christi | TCLM


Villanueva de la Fuente Corpus Christi

Villanueva de la Fuente (Ciudad Real)GPS: 38.69219970703125, -2.694849967956543
Description of the party

The most significant feature about Villanueva de la Fuente Corpus is the carpets made out of colored sawdust, which cover more than 1,800 meters of the streets in the municipality, forming artistic drawings. The Corpus procession will go over them, ruining them, but forming one of the most beautiful shows of this liturgy.

The residents prepare beforehand cardboard patterns with the shapes and figures that will form the carpet in different colors, the whole municipality joining forces, especially the residents in each street to make the most striking one.

Festivity of Regional Tourist Interest


On the date set for Corpus Christi, changing every year.


The night before Corpus or that day in the morning the sawdust carpets can be contemplated at Iglesia, Constitución, Plaza de España, Mayor, Doctor Fleming or Bolea, Feria and Santo Cristo del Consuelo streets.

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  • Corpus de Villanueva de la Fuente 1
  • Corpus de Villanueva de la Fuente 2
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