Description of the party Festival of La Pandorga | TCLM


Festival of La Pandorga

Ciudad Real (Ciudad Real)GPS: 38.98569869995117, -3.9288599491119385
Description of the party

La pandorgais a festival unique to Ciudad Real in which the gratitude of the farmers for the results of the harvest is presented to the Virgen del Prado.

The festivities begin the 30th of July at sundown with a contest oflimoná(a typical drink for these festivities, made with a base of white wine, sugar and lemon), which is celebrated in the municipal auditorium of the farmland. However, the highlight of the celebrations takes place on July 31st.

The last day of the month begins in Ciudad Real at 20:00 when, in the Plaza Mayor, there is the presentation ofel Pandorgoandla Dulcinea.Following the presentation, from there the parade splits into the groups and associations of the city, who are all dressed in the traditional Manchegan costume or with the attire typical ofla pandorga: blue jeans, white T-shirt, and apañuelo de hierbas(a type of plaid handkerchief). All of the participants conclude their wanderings throughout the city at the Cathedral, at the feet of the patron, the Virgen del Prado, where they place their offerings (fruits, vegetables, grains and flowers).

To culminate the festivities, in the gardens of El Pradoel Pandorgotreats the city tolimonáandpuñao(dried, toasted garbanzos), in the Plaza Mayor there is live music entertainment throughout the night until the early hours of the morning, and in the gardens of Torreón after midnight there is a celebration of thetoros de fuego(figures of bulls with pyrotechnics).

This Festival has been declared of Regional Touristic Interest.


30th and 31st of July.


This festival is principally a night-time event, which makes it a perfect excuse to visit the city by day and enjoy the celebrations at night.

Photographs: Jose María Moreno García. 

La PandorgaLa PandorgaLa Pandorga - ProcesiónLa Pandorga - Ofrenda a la VirgenLa Pandorga - Pandorgos y zurraLa Pandorga - Ofrenda a la VirgenLa Pandorga - Baile regionalFiesta La Pandorga portadamas
  • La Pandorga
  • La Pandorga
  • La Pandorga - Procesión
  • La Pandorga - Ofrenda a la Virgen
  • La Pandorga - Pandorgos y zurra
  • La Pandorga - Ofrenda a la Virgen
  • La Pandorga - Baile regional
  • Fiesta La Pandorga portada
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