Description of the party Festival of Peace in Villarta de San Juan | TCLM


Festival of Peace in Villarta de San Juan

Villarta de San Juan (Ciudad Real)GPS: 39.2406005859375, -3.423719882965088
Description of the party

The way in which the faithful people of this town show their appreciation for the gifts given them by the Virgen of Beautiful Peace is original: throwing small firecrackers in the air. Currently, there can be as many as twenty thousand thrown during the procession, the celebration of which precedes an enormous nighttime bonfire in the square, on the night of the twenty third.

Festival of Regional Touristic Interest.


From the 23rd to the 26th of January.


Lovers of fire-cooked foods will find a place to share this tradition with the locals throughout the night, at the big bonfire. Of special interest is to attend the “auction of arms”, during which the faithful offer astronomic prices to be able to be one of the pallbearers who carry the figure in the procession.


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