Description of the party Festival of the Saffron Rose in Consuegra | TCLM


Festival of the Saffron Rose in Consuegra

Consuegra (Toledo)GPS: 39.45840072631836, -3.6070001125335693
Festival of rose gold and folklore
Fiesta de la Rosa del Azafrán de Consuegra
Description of the party

Ninety percent of the cultivation of saffron comes from Castile-La Mancha, with the fame of being among the best in the world. This is the basis for this festival, seeing as the manual cultivation day after day as soon as the flowers bloom, as well as the drying of them, has created a gastronomic, historic, and traditional culture unique and exclusive to this countryside.

The National Festival of Folklore, in which folkloric music and dance groups from throughout all of Spain participate, is the highlight. However, in addition there are diverse acts, like the traditional wheat grinding in a windmill named Sancho, the saffron pruning contest, which awards the expediency of extracting the stigmas of the spice from the flowers, or the gastronomy contest.

Festival of Regional Touristic Interest.


The last weekend in October.


The abundance of saffron flowers in the streets permits the visitor to take one of them and try to extract the red stigmas from the pistols - the saffron spice, that is - and thereby understand the need to cultivate it by hand.


Fiesta Azafrán Fiesta AzafránFiesta de la Rosa del Azafrán de Consuegramas
  • Fiesta Azafrán
  • Fiesta Azafrán
  • Fiesta de la Rosa del Azafrán de Consuegra
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