Description of the party Ganchera festivity in Alto Tajo | TCLM


Ganchera festivity in Alto Tajo

Zaorejas (Guadalajara)GPS: 40.76139831542969, -2.2009201049804688
Masters of the Tagus River
David Blázquez
Fiesta Ganchera del Alto Tajo
Description of the party

During five centuries thegancheros(hook-men) drove the sawed logs from the Tagus and Guadiela Rivers to Aranjuez, Toledo and Talavera de la Reina. During this festivity we can see them again over the waters, with their traditional tool, the boat-hook, and period clothing, grouping and driving the sets of logs. As well as a spectacular trade re-enactment, it shows the rural lifestyle in Serranía de Guadalajara mountain range.

The festivity is accompanied by culinary samples, log sawing, traditional games, and dulzaina music.

Festivity of Regional Tourist Interest.



Movable date. On the first Saturday in September. It is held in a rotating way at five municipalities: Poveda de la Sierra, Peñalén, Zaorejas, Taravilla and Peralejos de las Truchas. To know annually the exact place, please check the calendar at this web.



The hook-man trade can be known in depth reading the novel by José Luis Sanpedro "El río que nos lleva" (the river that leads us), adapted for the cinema by Antonio del Real, under the same title.

GancherosFiesta Ganchera del Alto TajoFiesta Ganchera del Alto TajoFiesta Ganchera del Alto Tajomas
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  • Fiesta Ganchera del Alto Tajo
  • Fiesta Ganchera del Alto Tajo
  • Fiesta Ganchera del Alto Tajo
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