Description of the party Medievales Days in Montiel | TCLM


Medievales Days in Montiel

Montiel (Ciudad Real)GPS: 38.698001861572266, -2.8649399280548096
Description of the party

The death of King Pedro I in this municipality in 1369, is the cause of the Medieval Daysthat take the visitor back to Castle centuries. Around its streets historical scenes are reenacted, such as the arrival of the King , likewise falconry shows, among others. There is a medieval area that holds an arts and crafts and gastronomic market, where the visitor can also see the works of the local artisans and enjoy such typical dishes as migas manchegas (La Mancha-style fried bread crumbs), pisto (similar to ratatouille), gachas (porridge), calderetas (stews)...

Festivity of Regional Tourist Interest


Movable date. The closer weekend to March 23rd.


Associations and town hall offer the visitor its local dishes for free.

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  • Jornadas Medievales de Montiel
  • Jornadas Medievales de Montiel
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