Description of the party San Mateo festivity in Cuenca | TCLM


San Mateo festivity in Cuenca

Cuenca (Cuenca)GPS: 40.078399658203125, -2.1291000843048096
Description of the party

The main festivity in Cuenca city commemorates its conquest by Alfonso VIII in 1177. Also known as "Las Vaquillas" (the heifers), its main appeal are the "enmaronadas" (held with a rope)fighting heifers, released around the city’s historical center, with their horns held with esparto or hemp ropes. The behavior of the "maromeros" (the people that control the ropes) allows those who dare to go and incite them to enjoy to the maximum.

Besides, there are processions, parades of local clubs, and endless activities for all ages.

Festivity of Regional Tourist Interest.


On September 21th.


Tasting thezurrais a must; it is a drink made out of white wine, sugar and lemon, plenty of which you will find at every corner. To accompany it, roasted potatoes and sardines at their snack bars.

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