Description of the party Santa Águeda in Espinosa de Henares | TCLM


Santa Águeda in Espinosa de Henares

Espinosa de Henares (Guadalajara)GPS: 40.90399932861328, -3.073499917984009
Description of the party

On the first Saturday in February, the women from Espinosa, attired with the "Águeda dress", inspired by the traditional costume from Alcarria, take the town hall, and thus, the power. The Lord Mayoress and Honor Mayoress are appointed, and Santa Águeda mass and procession are celebrated. Afterwards, around the bonfire lit in the square, a battle between sexes is stages: they try to extinguish it and women defend it. Although afterwards they make peace, and dance around it, men must summon for the whole day to several tests. If they are asked for money and they refuse, they takeout their pants. And the same will do if they refuse to dance with any woman that might ask them. Or if they try to break the circle that women form during the "Wheel Dance", exclusively feminine.

Festivity of Regional Tourist Interest


Movable date. On the first Saturday in February.


Watch out, because there was a tradition in Espinosa about keeping husbands at the door of the house with apron and broom. Mischievous, now you know what you should expect. 

Santa Agueda Santa Águeda de Espinosa de Henaresmas
  • Santa Agueda
  • Santa Águeda de Espinosa de Henares
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