Description of the party Easter in Guadalajara | TCLM


Easter in Guadalajara

Guadalajara (Guadalajara)GPS: 40.629798889160156, -3.166490077972412
Description of the party

Eight processions that reflect all the intensity and sober spirit of Easter in Guadalajara. Many Nazarenes walk barefoot dragging chains or with a cross on their shoulders, keeping a promise, and attired with the colors of their brotherhoods on their hoods and tunics. To be highlighted the Palm Blessing on Palm Sunday at the San Ginés church yard, the Pedilavium on Holy Thursday at the Co-cathedral and the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday, where the members of the Apóstoles brotherhood dress up in their classical Castilian capes.

Festivity of Regional Tourist Interest


Movable date. Easter.


The itinerary of the processions can be checked at the town hall webpage. A previous visit around the streets and to the church is a must in order to enjoy the processional images.

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  • Semana Santa
  • Semana Santa de Guadalajara
  • Semana Santa de Guadalajara
  • Semana Santa de Guadalajara
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