Description of the party Easter in Talavera de la Reina | TCLM


Easter in Talavera de la Reina

Talavera de la Reina (Toledo)GPS: 39.95800018310547, -4.832640171051025
Description of the party

A whole programme of different activities takes places during Easter in Talavera de la Reina. It includes nine processions, the competition of cornets and drums (in which bands from all over Spain participate), church music concerts and sculpture exhibitions, among others.

The setting in which Easter is celebrated in Talavera is very beautiful, and the possibility to watch it from its walls, magnifies it even more. Its more than 3,000 brothers, dressed up in tunics and hoods or head-covered, carry frames and images of high artistic value, accompanied in their itinerary by music and choirs.

This Easter in Talavera, considered a mixture of Andalucian and Castillian traditions, stands out for their Liturgies, some of them as important as Procesiones de la Borriquita, Procesión del Silencio or Procesión de la Pasión y del Santo Entierro, which can all be seen from the walls. Likewise, El Encuentro de Jesús Resucitado con su Santísima Madre, El Sábado Santo in the plaza del reloj and the dramatization of some passages such as The Passion, The Holy Funeral and the Ceramic Via Crucis


To fully enjoy Easter in Talavera, and the rest the city can offer us, it is recommended first to go to the tourist office, at 22, Ronda del Cañillo, phone no. (+34) 925826322.

Semana Santa Talavera Semana Santa Talavera Semana Santa de Talavera de la ReinaSemana Santa de Talavera de la Reinamas
  • Semana Santa Talavera
  • Semana Santa Talavera
  • Semana Santa de Talavera de la Reina
  • Semana Santa de Talavera de la Reina
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