Description of the party Easter in Villarrobledo | TCLM


Easter in Villarrobledo

Villarrobledo (Albacete)GPS: 39.26729965209961, -2.607640027999878
Description of the party

Barefoot penitents, dragging iron chains along more than 2 kilometers, in complete silence, only broken by the grating of the iron against the floor. This way is the Holy Burial procession in Villarrobledo, which spirit of respect and devotion is present in all the rest, being the most significant the Meeting and the Resurrected ones, in addition to the one mentioned above.

Festivity of Regional Tourist Interest.


Movable date. Easter.


Because of its high artistic value, it is worth to visit in the temples the carvings that go out during the processions. Jesús de Medinacelli and Cristo de los Mártires, from the 20thcentury and Cristo de las Injurias, from the 19thcentury.

Semana Santa de VillarrobledoSemana Santa de VillarrobledoSemana santa de VillarrobledoSemana Santa de Villarrobledomas
  • Semana Santa de Villarrobledo
  • Semana Santa de Villarrobledo
  • Semana santa de Villarrobledo
  • Semana Santa de Villarrobledo
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