Description of the party Easter and drum parade in Hellín | TCLM


Easter and drum parade in Hellín

Hellín (Albacete)GPS: 38.51219940185547, -1.7033100128173828
Black, red and deafening
David Blázquez
Semana Santa y Tamborada de Hellín
Description of the party

Festivity of International Tourist Interest.

Easter in Hellín is, without a doubt, the most remarkable moment in this municipality, not only for the locals, but also for the millions of visitors who come every year to this date with tradition.

If there is an instrument characterizing Hellín, that is the drum. It seems to be closely linked to Easter, therefore merging in a unique celebration the passion about religion (processions) and a pagan festivity (tamborada).

There are currently twenty – six brotherhoods with centuries of history on their backs, made up by images and sculptural groups such as Mariano Benlliure, Federico Coullaut Valera, Fernández Andes or José Zamorano. Among this works, the “Cristo Yacente” is worth a mention, by Mariano Benlliure, since it is considered as one of the best 20thcentury sculptures, according to experts. 

In the Tamborada, more than 20,000 people play their drums around the streets in town, with black tunic and red or black scarf around their necks. The first drum parade takes place on Good Friday, the day chosen in the past to warm the drums when they were made of animal leather. However, it is not until Holy Wednesday that first official drum parade takes place, this one being one of the most popular ones. It starts at 3.00 pm and ends with the Procesión de la Oración del Huerto.

On Thursday, the parade starts at midnight, when the Procesion del Silencio comes to an end. And finally, on Glorious Saturday, the last parade takes place, which finished on the evening of Easter Sunday with the Procesión del Encuentro. Visitors can actively participate in these parades, enjoying a unique environment and sound that will make a difference in their visit to Hellón.

In the morning on Eater Sunday, moments of great emotion take place in Hellín and Agramón (a nearby municipality): the complete silence of thousands of drummers the moment before the “Encounter”. Once several pigeons are freed, they start playing with great energy. The ending of this procession means the end of the Easter activities, processions and drum parades.


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Semana Santa y Tamborada de HellínSemana Santa y Tamborada de HellínSemana Santa y Tamborada de HellínTamborada de HellinSemana Santa y Tamborada de Hellínmas
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  • Semana Santa y Tamborada de Hellín
  • Semana Santa y Tamborada de Hellín
  • Tamborada de Hellin
  • Semana Santa y Tamborada de Hellín
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