Description of the party Tejeda Virgin Septenary in Moya | TCLM


Tejeda Virgin Septenary in Moya

Moya (Cuenca)GPS: 39.94839859008789, -1.3679499626159668
A pilgrimage celebrated every 7 years
Septenario de la Virgen de Tejeda de Moya
Description of the party

The higher value of this pilgrimage is not the 7 years between each celebration, or even the 17 kilometers of its itinerary across three municipalities: Garaballa, Landete and Mora. What is really impressing are its eight dancers. Attired with petticoat, white shirt and blue and red ribbons, they perform a traditional dance with sticks and another one with castanets that does not stop along the whole way. Also spectacular is the typical dress from the mountains that the 21 dames that accompany the Virgin wear, coming from the seven villages that take part in the pilgrimage. 

This festivity does not end with the pilgrimage: popular open-air dances, runnings and bullfights celebrate the Tejeda Virgin.

Festivity of Regional Tourist Interest.


Every 7 years, from September 16thto 26th. Next: 2018.


At the so-called tables, along the way, the different participating villages take over to carry the image. This twinning is not by chance: the first pilgrimage, in 1639, was organized due to a great drought that devastated the whole region, without treating the municipalities differently.

SEPTENEARIO VIRGEN DE TEJEDA DE MOYASeptenario de la Virgen de Tejeda de Moyamas
  • Septenario de la Virgen de Tejeda de Moya
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