Casa David restaurant . Gastronomy


Casa David restaurant

Cifuentes (Guadalajara)
949 810 285
GPS: 40.70159912109375, -2.592550039291382

Restaurant with an exclusive atmosphere, located right in the heart of Cifuentes, at Plaza Mayor square. Built at the place formerly occupied by the Palace of the Counts of Cifuentes, where the Princess of Éboli was born.

It stands out because of its quietness, their pleasant treatment and its nice ambience.

Restaurante Casa David, en Cifuentes (Guadalajara)Restaurante Casa David, en Cifuentes (Guadalajara)Restaurante Casa David, en Cifuentes (Guadalajara)mas
  • Restaurante Casa David, en Cifuentes (Guadalajara)
  • Restaurante Casa David, en Cifuentes (Guadalajara)
  • Restaurante Casa David, en Cifuentes (Guadalajara)
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