Gastronomic visit El Doncel Restaurant | TCLM


El Doncel Restaurant

Sigüenza (Guadalajara)GPS: 41.069698333740234, -2.6441900730133057
Brotherhood at the hearth
Restaurante El Doncel
Gastronomic visit

Old manor house from the 18thcentury, its origins date back to a former forge and later on a cocoa factory. Nowadays it relies on the experience of four generations devoted to the stoves. Enrique and Eduardo Pérez, in charge of the kitchen and of the dining hall, have taken charge of the family business since 2011 providing a new style both to the restaurant and to the hotel.


Warm and welcoming ambiance at the dining hall and a cuisine based on local and seasonal product, but looking for the difference by investigating the most difficult to find flavors and combinations, surprising anyone who comes to Sigüenza medieval city center. Among their dishes, we can find the traditional migas castellanas (La Mancha-style fried bread crumbs), with bacon, chorizo, grapes and egg, or the surprising roe deer carpaccio with thyme ice cream.


3, Alameda boulevard,

Sigüenza (Guadalajara)

(+34) 949 390 001

Paseo de la Alameda, 3Sigüenza (Guadalajara)949 390
Restaurante El Doncel Restaurante El Doncel El DoncelRestaurante El DoncelRestaurante El DoncelRestaurante El DoncelRestaurante El DoncelRestaurante El DoncelRestaurante El DoncelRestaurante El Doncelmas
  • Restaurante El Doncel
  • Restaurante El Doncel
  • El Doncel
  • Restaurante El Doncel
  • Restaurante El Doncel
  • Restaurante El Doncel
  • Restaurante El Doncel
  • Restaurante El Doncel
  • Restaurante El Doncel
  • Restaurante El Doncel
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