Gastronomic visit La Muralla restaurant | TCLM


La Muralla restaurant

Almagro (Ciudad Real)GPS: 38.88840103149414, -3.711780071258545
Gastronomic visit

La Muralla restaurant started from the original idea of putting on the table the dishes from Cervantes novel, The ingenious gentleman Don Quixote de La Mancha, adapted to modern taste and customs. And, of course, game has a special place in its menu, which also, in the first pages of the Cervantine novel, plays a leading role. Fruit of all that are proposals such as rabbit in brine, deer with thyme, beans with partridge or wild boar in mushroom sauce.


34, Ronda San Francisco St.
13270-Almagro - Ciudad Real
Phone no. (+34): 926 861 010 

Almagro (Ciudad Real)
La MurallaLa Murallamas
  • La Muralla
  • La Muralla
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