Description of Migas de pastor | Tclm

Migas de pastor

There is no stale bread
David Blázquez
Migas de pastor

Migas de pastor is one of the most traditional dishes in La Mancha gastronomy. Typically considered as a shepherd dish, migas are normally accompanied by grapes, melon or cucumber: any sweet counterpoint to the salty flavor of the dish in itself.

Its recipe is based on small pieces of stale bread, browned in oil, along with garlic, rashers, bacon or chorizo and paprika. But the secret for them to be truly exquisite lies in the way the bread is cut and the water/oil proportion. Cooks from Castile-La Mancha know it well, and enjoying them as a tapa or as a main dish is a pleasure the traveler should not miss.

Migas del pastormas
  • Migas del pastor
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