Gastronomic visit Restaurante Llares | TCLM


Restaurante Llares

Lagartera (Toledo)GPS: 39.90700149536133, -5.200660228729248
Gastronomic visit

The building in which we find this restaurant is a Lagarteran house from the 18th century. In the upper part, where the dining room is, they have preserved the classical structure, with stone walls and wooden roof and stone arches. Contrasting with this warm and rustic air is the work of the architect and interior designer Tomás Alía, who looked for a contrast to make the diner’s experience even more special.


Their dishes form part of a market cuisine, in which the main players are the Manchegan products of the area, as demonstrated by theperdiz escabechada(marinated partridge) orlomo de ciervo en adobo de vino tinto con confitura de membrillo(venison loin in red wine marinate with quince jam). Among the desserts, highlights are seasonal fruits such as figs or pineapple. A necessary stopover for your senses.


Doctor Fleming, 7
Lagartera (Toledo)
925 43 11 57

Doctor Fleming, 7Lagartera (Toledo)925 43 11
Restaurante LlaresRestaurante LlaresRestaurante Llaresmas
  • Restaurante Llares
  • Restaurante Llares
  • Restaurante Llares
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