Gastronomic visit Restaurante Nelia | TCLM


Restaurante Nelia

Villalba de la Sierra (Cuenca)GPS: 40.23619842529297, -2.088670015335083
Gastronomic visit

The Herráiz family’s background in the restaurant industry dates back to the beginning of the last century, with various negotiations that culminated generations later in the inauguration of the current Mesón Nelia in 1967, which has achieved the Bronze Medal of Touristic Merit in 1969 and the Second Award of Restauranteurs of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha in 2000.


In all this time the restaurant has concerned itself with maintaining a current cuisine with contact with other kitchens, other techniques and new concepts and therefore be able to offer traditional native dishes with a modern touch. You can select among ensalada de habas (fava bean salad), rulo de cordero (lamb), canelón de aguacate y centollo, (cannellone of avocado and crab), morteruelo (game pâté), copita de ajo arriero con albaricoque (traditional garlic dish with apricot), rape con cebollitas (monkfish with onion), espárragos y aceituna negra (asparagus and black olives); bacalao a la manchega (Manchegan style cod), or solomillo de ternera al queso viejo manchego (veal sirloin with aged Manchego cheese). And for those with a sweet tooth, crepes de moras con chocolate caliente (blackberries and hot chocolate), biscuit de higos (figs) con chocolate caliente) or granizado de melón con fruta de la pasión (melon slushy with passion fruit).

Ctra. Ciudad Encantada Km 21 Villalba de la Sierra (Cuenca)969 281
Restaurante NeliaRestaurante NeliaRestaurante NeliaRestaurante NeliaRestaurante Neliamas
  • Restaurante Nelia
  • Restaurante Nelia
  • Restaurante Nelia
  • Restaurante Nelia
  • Restaurante Nelia
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