Gastronomic visit Vallecorzo (Game Gastronomy) | TCLM


Vallecorzo (Game Gastronomy)

Horcajo de los Montes (Ciudad Real)GPS: 39.32780075073242, -4.648910045623779
Cuisine of the herdsmen
Vallecorzo  (Gastronomia de caza)
Gastronomic visit

It is, in fact a quality standard for the restaurant to be located inParque Nacional de Cabañeros,an important wildlife reserve and the last enclosure of the Mediterranean forest. Such a setting facilitates the prime ingredients of game cuisine, which this area of Vallecorzo also prepares exquisitely. The meats, for which they are best known, include such succulent dishes asvenado con salsa de frambuesas(venison with raspberry sauce) andsolomillo de jabalí a la plancha(grilled wild boar sirloin).


Calle Real, 3
Horcajo de los Montes, Ciudad Real
Telephone: 926 775 477

Horcajo de los Montes (Ciudad Real)
  • Vallecorzo
  • Vallecorzo
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