ALUCINATURA. Active Nature



Valdepeñas (Ciudad Real)GPS: 38.81129837036133, -3.459929943084717

Alucinatura is a company formed by mountain guides with over ten years of experience in the field of active tourism. We work throughout Spain and some places abroad such as the Alps and Morocco. Our headquarters are located in Valdepeñas (Ciudad Real - Avenida 1º de Julio 70, local 3) in which we sell mountain and MTB equipment as well as having a bicycles repair shop. We carry out activities for blind people and we also offer bungee jumping for handicapped people.

Activities offered:
Alucinatura is a company formed by mountain guides with more than ten years of experience in the field of active tourism. We work throughout Spain and some places abroad such as the Alps and Morocco.

Activities offered:

Alucinatura es una empresa formada por guias de montaña con mas de diez años de experiencia en el sector del turismo activo. Trabajamos por toda España y algunos lugares del extranjero como Alpes y Marruecos.

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  • Valdepeñas alucinatura nieve
  • Valdepeñas alucinatura puentin
  • Valdepeñas alucinatura escalada 2
  • Valdepeñas alucinatura escalada
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