

Horcajo de los Montes (Ciudad Real)GPS: 39.32780075073242, -4.648910045623779

Company of tourism in nature, specialised in families, that carries out activities in the Cabañeros National Park and Cijara National Reserve.

Activities offered:
We are a company of tourism in the nature that carries out activities in the surroundings of Cabañeros National Park and in Cijara Reserve and we defined ourselves as a service of quality.

We are specialised in families, with completely personalised routes for each group and by ages, adapting the activities to desire of the client. Our objective is to show Cabañeros National Park, as well as its ecological values, in one of the better conserved and represented Mediterranean forests. We also offer transport, lodging, lunch, visits to the museum, to those clients who wish another type of comforts so that they can spend their time enjoying the surroundings and the nature.

All these activities will be guided by accredited and qualified stuff  for each type of activity, along with a civil liability and accident insurance for our clients.
Guided visits 4x4 
Mountain Bicycle
Nature Workshops

Activities offered:

Somos una empresa de turismo en la naturaleza que realiza actividades en el entorno del Parque Nacional de Cabañeros y en la Reserva de Cijara y nos definimos por un servicio de calidad.
Estamos especializados en familias, con rutas completamente personalizadas para cada Grupo y por edades, adaptando las actividades a deseo del cliente. Nuestro objetivo es mostrar el Parque Nacional de Cabañeros, así como susvalores ecológicos, en uno de los bosques Mediterráneos mejor conservado y representado. También les facilitaremos transporte, alojamiento, comida, visita al museo, a aquel cliente que desee otro tipo de comodidades y que de esta manera dedique su tiempo a disfrutar del entorno y de la naturaleza.
Todas estas actividades serán guiadas por personal titulado y cualificado para cada tipo de actividad, acompañados del correspondiente seguro de responsabilidad civil y accidente, para nuestros clientes.    

Visitas guiadas 4x4
Bicicleta de Montaña
Talleres de Naturaleza

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