Visit Serranía de Cuenca | TCLM


Serranía de Cuenca

Tragacete (Cuenca)GPS: 40.35110092163086, -1.8499599695205688
Landscapes full of enchanted cities
David Blázquez
Parque Natural Serranía de Cuenca

There is not another experience like walking through Serranía de Cuenca. You will find natural resources of incalculable geological value –"Tormagales", that look like sculpted cities by fairies and elves, such as "Los Callejones" or the "Ciudad Encantada" in Valdecabras; and the sickles and canyons carved by the rivers Júcar and Escabas-, floral –the extensive natural pine forests of enormous forest value, or Euro-Siberian forests of linden tree, holly and yew trees, whose representation reaches here the most southern point of Europe–, faunal –the high variety of environments of the Serranía favours the development of high biodiversity, serving as shelter for protected species such as the booted eagle, the golden eagle, the Miller's water shrew, the bermejuela, etc.–, and hydrological –the main wetland is the Uña marsh, which has its origin in the damming of the Arroyo del Rincón–.


We can spot an important community of birds that nest in the escarpments such as the griffon vulture, the Egyptian vulture, the golden eagle or the peregrine falcon; as well as other animals linked to the Sub-Mediterranean area pine groves, as in the case of certain birds of prey –goshawk, gyrfalcon, hawk– and mammals –red squirrel, Cabrera's vole, garden dormouse, wild boar, roe deer, deer and fox–. A significant value of troglodytic (bats) wildlife conservation and for some groups of invertebrates such asLepidoptera(butterflies) was also recognized.

Additionally, all the waters of the Park have the status of "trout waters" making a reservoir of these species and many others, some of which are the barbel, bermejuela and the squalius. You can also find here the threatened autochthonous crab.


Serranía de Cuenca includes 11 municipalities. In the park there are three Centros de Interpretación (Observation Centres) in the towns Tragacete, Uña and Valdemeca, which are not permanently open to the public, so it is advisable to check the timetables and opening times.

CONTACT: (+34) 969.17.69.84 – (+34) 969.17.83.59

From Cuenca: CM-2104, CM-2105.

From Valdemeca and Vega del Codorno: CM-2106.

From Teruel: CM-2119.


Any time of year is good to visit this protected area but, during winter, low temperatures are reached, so it is advisable to go properly equipped. It is advisable to wear suitable footwear throughout the year.


Parque Natural Serranía de CuencaParque Natural Serranía de CuencaParque Natural Serranía de CuencaParque Natural Serranía de CuencaParque Natural Serranía de CuencaParque Natural Serranía de CuencaParque Natural Serranía de CuencaParque Natural Serranía de CuencaParque Natural Serranía de CuencaSerranía de CuencaSerranía de CuencaParque Natural Serranía de Cuencamas
  • Parque Natural Serranía de Cuenca
  • Parque Natural Serranía de Cuenca
  • Parque Natural Serranía de Cuenca
  • Parque Natural Serranía de Cuenca
  • Parque Natural Serranía de Cuenca
  • Parque Natural Serranía de Cuenca
  • Parque Natural Serranía de Cuenca
  • Parque Natural Serranía de Cuenca
  • Parque Natural Serranía de Cuenca
  • Serranía de Cuenca
  • Serranía de Cuenca
  • Parque Natural Serranía de Cuenca
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