Visit Arcas del Villar | TCLM


Arcas del Villar

Arcas del Villar (Cuenca)GPS: 39.98860168457031, -2.1147398948669434
The churches of the Nativity and the Assumption compete in beauty
Fotografía: Gabriel Cebrián Quintero
Arcas del Villar

Arcas del Villar is formed by the districts of Arcas and Villar del Saz de Arcas, and is only 8 km from the capital. The heart of the town is at the end of a marsh through which the San Martín River passes. In addition to its natural attractions, this town warrants a visit for the great artistic value of its monuments. In Arcas, without a doubt the highlight is the church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, declared an Asset of Cultural Interest in 1982. And in Villar del Saz de Arcas another notable example of the Romanesque is found in its parish church of the Assumption, which further embellishes this town.


The church of the Nativity is a Romanesque church with elements of the transition to Gothic, built in the 13th century. It is one of the most important buildings of the province which will draw our attention for its great size, a symbol of the economic prosperity of the surroundings. Regarding the exterior, we must highlight the South entry, clearly Romanesque with five pointed and splayed archivolts with moldings and a covering decorated with diamond points. It competes in beauty with the church of the Assumption in the neighboring town. With a square floor plan, a solitary nave, and semicircular apse, it is pure Romanesque. The atypical location of its bell gable at the foot of the church is original. Inside we must highlight the baptismal font decorated with oval shapes contoured with semicircular arches and zigzag frieze.


Access is free.


In its municipal district we find the complex of lagoons of Arcas, declared a Nature Reserve in 2002. It is one of the most interesting in the peninsula, formed by 19 permanent water lagoons and 16 seasonal, the majority of them salt water.


Arcas del Villar /Gabriel Cebrián QuinteroArcas del Villarmas
  • Arcas del Villar /<b>Gabriel Cebrián Quintero</b>
  • Arcas del Villar
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