Visit City Hall of Pozorrubio | TCLM


City Hall of Pozorrubio

Pozorrubio (Cuenca)GPS: 39.81610107421875, -2.9494400024414062
The civil buildings are the most important in the town
Ayuntamiento de Pozorrubio

It seems that its name (blonde well) corresponds to its placement on reddish(rojizo)terrain. Nowadays we can access it via exit 82 of the A-3, and after 24 km we will arrive to the Manchegan town of Pozorrubio. Those who come here should include two constructions of civil nature to their visit, the City Hall and the house of los Portillos.


Its 17th century council building has two levels. The lower, drawn between beautiful semicircular arches, and a running balcony along the upper, to which four linteled windows open above each arch. If we walk towards the streetSan Francisco, we will find the house of los Portillos, dated to the 16th century but renovated in the 18th, giving it its current appearance.

It also has two levels and linteled entrance with a balcony above it. In the lower level open two windows with forged iron bars and there are various balconies on the upper floor. The cornice above the main door is decorated with a frieze of triglyphs and metopes over which we can see the noble crest, which was typical to have on these types of house-palaces.


Inquire about entries at the Tourism Office or at the City Hall.


A visit to the parish church of Saint James the Apostle, renovated in the 18th century; or to the remains of the aqueduct in the“Huertas de San Francisco”where also installations of ancient water wheels are also preserved.


Ayuntamiento de PozorrubioAyuntamiento de Pozorrubiomas
  • Ayuntamiento de Pozorrubio
  • Ayuntamiento de Pozorrubio
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