Visit Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist | TCLM


Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist

Albacete (Albacete)GPS: 38.99570083618164, -1.8560099601745605
A blend of centuries, of styles, art… of history
Catedral de San Juan Bautista

Constructed above a history of four centuries, it speaks of time and its art: from the mudejar to the 20th century. Its four Renaissance columns were the reason why work on the cathedral stopped and today are the reason to visit it. The sacristy is from the 16th century, solid and rock-hard and with details on its walls decorated with magnificent grisailles.


Above the ancient mudejar church, a temple with a Gothic base and Baroque ceiling, supported in the central part by four Renaissance columns, rises up. Its interior houses Baroque panels like that of the Virgin of the Star, the Rococo baptismal font, Renaissance alter pieces such as that of the Virgin of the Plains, the representation of the stations of the cross in the grisailles in the sacristy in the Mannerist style, a silver plated monstrance from 1583…

A curiosity is the long process of its construction. It began in 1515, but in 1538 they replaced the Gothic pillars with the Renaissance ones we now see, which caused the collapse of the Gothic vaults. The Cathedral remained built, but without vaults, until 1690 when the current ones were done in the Baroque style. Meanwhile, the allotted budget was used on the sacristy. During the Civil War, the Cathedral suffered damages and raids while the main facade was being finished;  due to the war the last mudejar part was destroyed.


It is located in the old town center of the city. Hours: Monday to Sunday 10:45-12:45 and 17:45-20:45. Free entry. 

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  • Catedral de San Juan Bautista
  • Catedral de San Juan Bautista
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