Visit Urban Complex of Tejadillos | TCLM


Urban Complex of Tejadillos

Tejadillos (Cuenca)GPS: 40.13949966430664, -1.6345499753952026
Discover the personality of its urban layout
Conjunto urbano de Tejadillos

Town of the low sierras of Cuenca, 87 km from the capital. Nestled in the valley between hills that create the Arroyo del Puerto and the Tejadillos River, lives the small population of just over 140 souls. Lovers of urban spaces will do well to visit this town, since its layout is full of medieval flavor and examples of traditional mountain architecture.


The townspeople are spread out in two neighborhoods created by the Tejadillos River and surrounded by pine forests and plots of land. The neighborhood of the Plaza ascends towards the church on the northern and more elevated side of the town. Originally, it seems to have been an ancient Muslim settlement, and what is now the church would have been a defensive tower. The second neighborhood is that of Cabezuelo, which supposedly was an extension realized in the 18th century. Here, you will find the streets arranged parallel to the stream that surrounds it. In all, the whole town of Tejadillos has traditional houses that display their wooden galleries and open rafters. Among its streets and alleys the Main Square and Hospital of Charity stand out.


Open access to the whole urban area.


The church of the Nativity, at the height of the main town, perhaps is a little humble in terms of its construction, but inside it guards an authentic jewel of precious metal working. It is an embossed silver cross with Renaissance floral decoration and tri-lobed Gothic arches at the ends of the arms. The central medallion has a beautiful crucified Christ.


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