Visit Urban Complex of Víllora | TCLM


Urban Complex of Víllora

Víllora (Cuenca)GPS: 39.75230026245117, -1.5892200469970703
One more example of the charm of the mountain towns
Conjunto Urbano de Villora

In the middle of an environ dominated by deep valleys and powerful hills, we find this town of less than 200 inhabitants, in the lower mountain range of Cuenca. The hamlet is spread along the steep ravine, looking towards the Víllora or San Martin River. The highlight of the town is its urban ensemble that tries to adapt itself to the steep terrain.


Surrounding the Main Square are interesting examples of mountainous architecture -whitewashed houses, some of them accessed by a subterranean passage held up by pillars. This passage together with the plaza itself confers a unique personality upon the ensemble, coinciding with the plaza’s six-pipe fountain and a washing station covered by two long slabs. Similarly, the streets of Villora have a special charm, a result of tradition and their adaptation to the terrain, which makes them wind through the hills. In so far as the large houses, many have been modified and there are few that preserve their traditional structure.


Access is open to the whole town.


The 12th century castle of Víllora, Moorish in origin and making and renovated in the 14th century, towers over this town from its rectangular tower of limestone-and-pebble. We can also visit the parish church of Our Lady of the Assumption and the hermitage of Castil de Olives, with some interesting fresco paintings recently restored. 

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