Visit Corral de Almaguer | TCLM


Corral de Almaguer

Corral de Almaguer (Toledo)GPS: 39.76020050048828, -3.166830062866211
The plateau’s gateway
Corral de Almaguer

Corral de Almaguer, the plateau’s gateway is introduced to us wrapped in vine and cereal crops and our visit unfolds from the Plaza Mayor square which is the backbone of the old town and shows us several of its selling points.

There, the Neoclassical town hall with its clock on the pediment and its barred bell gable manages the time in the square and the town. The church of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción from the end of the 15th century has a transitional Gothic-Plateresque style. It has two façades facing the square, of which the main one has a plateresque style with a shell that protects the image of the virgin with the boy and it is wrapped in the arch that is held up by the lintel, which has another arch engraved on it. All of this is decorated stylistic details and delicacy. Inside, the chapels continue to enlighten the visitor, who eagerly explores the rooms and the transept. Higuera’s house embellishes the square with its palatial Baroque style and houses belonging to the Maldonado and the Postas families tell us how its walls provided shelter for the kings.

Different houses are sprinkled throughout the village and they provide details that enrich the town and the visit: Britceño house, Encomienda house, Barreda house, Collado house...

The Franciscan convent and the San Antón and Santa Ana chapels accentuate the liturgical tour that ends in the Virgen de la Muela, from where the amazing visit will make sense of our short pilgrimage.


Access: CM-410CM-3000

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  • Corral de Almaguer
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