Visit El Pedernoso | TCLM


El Pedernoso

El Pedernoso (Cuenca)GPS: 39.48720169067383, -2.7430500984191895
El Pedernoso, cultural heritage
El Pedernoso

Surrounded by water on all sides - to the East the Cuade River bathes it, and to the South a rich lagoon system that bears its name. In this pretty landscape the town of El Pedernoso stands out with its city center, plaza, church, city hall and the palace of Las Labranzas like flagships of this enclave of Cuenca.


In the urban setting, an identifying clue of its deep-rooted agricultural tradition, the typical big houses of La Mancha stand out, mixed with lordly buildings, present throughout the area. They are especially noticeable in the Main Square, creating a lovely monumental ensemble with a big personality. Without a doubt the perfect place to situate the City Hall. A Baroque building from the 17th century, and a reference point of the town’s civil architecture. On the other side we have the church of the Assumption, a typical example par excellence of the religious architecture of the area, which has an impressive altarpiece in its main chapel. The whole building breathes Christianity. We have saved for last the castle-palace of Las Labranzas, from the 17th century, which, with a magnificent patio entrance, will surely win a place in the memories of the visitor.


For information regarding access, schedules, etc. inquire at the Tourism Office of the City Hall.


If we are interested in more, we can visit the inn, a Baroque style house with fourteen bars; and the hermitages of Saint Ann, Saint Francis and Saint Sebastian. 

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  • El Pedernoso
  • El Pedernoso
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