Visit Hermitage of the Nativity in Guadamur | TCLM


Hermitage of the Nativity in Guadamur

Guadamur (Toledo)GPS: 39.81449890136719, -4.149849891662598
Discover the Visigoth treasure of this town
Ermita de la Natividad de Guadamur

Bordering Toledo capital we find the lovely town of Guadamur, with the Dehesa Nueva stream crossing through it. The traveler who visits it will find a town of great renown because the most important remains of Visigoth precious metal works in Europe have been found here, the so called Treasure of Guarrazar. This, along with the Hermitage of the Nativity, elevates this town to fame. 


This Hermitage, built between the 14th and 15th centuries, guards like gold an original icon from the 15th century, which depicts Saint Ann with the Virgin in her arms. And in the altar there are reliefs and Visigoth columns also preserved. In the apse hang Visigoth crowns, part of the famous Treasure of Guarrazar, other pieces of which are kept in the church of Saint Mary Magdalene.


Inquire at the City Hall or at the Office of Tourism.


On the hill of the Nativity, near the town, we find one of the most beautiful and best preserved castles in Spain, the Castle of Guadamur.

Guadamur Ermita de la Natividad de Guadamur Guadamurmas
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  • Ermita de la Natividad de Guadamur
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