Visit Fuente de Pedro Naharro | TCLM


Fuente de Pedro Naharro

Fuente de Pedro Naharro (Cuenca)GPS: 39.925498962402344, -3.010809898376465
Its religious buildings have beautiful pictorial decorations
Fuente de Pedro Naharro

The beautiful town of Fuente de Pedro Naharro is 99 km from Cuenca and next to the Riansares River. The name of the town comes from a man with Navarrian origins who repopulated it. Among its beautiful architectural treasures, the church of Saint Andrew and the Hermitage of la Soledad stand out, hallmarks of the town.


The frescos that decorate the chapels of the church of Saint Andrew deserve to be seen without any doubt, as well as the whole of this solid Baroque building, built at the end of the 15th century. Regarding the hermitage, dedicated to Virgin of Solitude, its great pictorial decorations also stand out, in this case modern paintings. The hermitage dates to the 18th century and in the past it was connected to the village hospital. Its unparalleled beautify has been preserved until today.


Free access in the church, respecting the hours of worship. There you can get information about the schedules of the hermitage.


Take a walk through the beautiful streets of this town, full of peace and harmony. Surely the residents will show you the secrets of the town, its customs and traditions.

Fuente de Pedro NaharroFuente de Pedro Naharromas
  • Fuente de Pedro Naharro
  • Fuente de Pedro Naharro
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